St. Stephen’s Vikings

Luckily for us, Fungarian’s clientele is becoming increasingly diverse. Recently, we hosted a lovely couple from Iceland and we exchanged views on the Vikings. They were surprised to learn that Hungarians had strong ties with the Vikings whom we call VARÉG i.e. Varangians (Old Norse: Væringjar). Our St. Stephen, whom we celebrate as the founder of the Hungarian Kingdom, invited the Varég warriors to be the guards of his son Imre, heir to the throne, and who is now known as Szent Imre (Saint Emeric).
The Varangian mercenaries excelled with their professionalism in 1030, when under the leadership of Emeric, they stopped Conrad II, the German Emperor, from invading the Hungarian Kingdom.
This post is to commemorate St. Stephen’s Day, our patron saint on August 20th, our national day. If you happen to be interested in this particular story, please write in the comment section.