Hungarian pair Speech

In Hungarian, being a descriptive language, it’s easy to decode the meaning of compound words like PÁRBESZÉD literally: PÁR BESZÉD, pair speech i.e. dialogue.
Beginners often give up learning Hungarian because they think it’s torture by grammar, as an American student of mine so explicitly formulated it. However, persistent learners can achieve a lot by overcoming the Hungarian Pair Speech. Because Hungarian is a descriptive language, it’s easy to decode the meaning of compound words like PÁRBESZÉD literally: PÁR BESZÉD, pair speech i.e. dialogue.

Beginners often give up learning Hungarian because they think it’s torture by grammar, as an American student of mine so explicitly formulated it. However, persistent learners can achieve a lot by overcoming the difficulties of decoding all those endings and can formulate meaningful sentences.

The last challenge – when you become more confident – is the frustration you feel when you still can’t fathom what your Hungarian friends are gossiping about behind your back. Now, to reach that level you need to throw out your textbooks in the first place and listen carefully to Hungarians’ talking and catch minor things like De! Még szép! (But of course! Nice! literally, but understandable only in context). The wide array of such phrases make sense only in given situations and they are rarely dictionary items.

Fungarian’s great friends, Julie and Flo from CatchBudapest have just come out with their Smart Hungarian Audio Course that can contribute a lot to this last challenge. Their course, Nomen est omen, is really clever. You can listen to real-life conversations but then you’ll have the transcript and the translation as well.

You can get more information, and order the course here: 

If you decide to order it, use Fungarian’s discount code at the checkout and get 20% off. The code is: FUNGARIAN.