Coffeehouse culture in budapest



3 hours


Centrál Café or hotel/hostel pickup


 € 129 / 1 person

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coffeehouse culture in Budapest


From March to late October, Budapest locals spend a lot of their time on café terraces, in espresso bars, patisseries, and ruin pubs, which makes the city so attractive. All these modern-day venues of socializing have their origin in the late 19th-century coffee house culture of Budapest. Even city planners took into consideration the demand for these community spaces, and that’s why corner buildings even today have some commercial enterprise. No wonder, there were over 500 coffee houses of all kinds by the 1890s.

On our special historical and literary tour, we will acquaint you with the history and importance of coffee houses before 1945, and also the metamorphoses of these establishments in Communist times and the vibrant scene of revival culminating in ruin pubs and more recently community spaces.


A coffee house was much more than just a café. It was a very democratic institution attracting all layers of society and had the function of a culture house with the then equivalent functions of Facebook and Internet platforms. It was here that journalists, lawyers, tradesmen, visitors from the countryside and starving poets met. Some coffee houses like New York Café, Centrál, and Hadik became famous thanks to the owners’ policy of attracting artists and men of letters.

We will start the time-travelling part of our tour at Centrál Café at Ferenciek tere, and we’ll brief you on the importance of Hungarian literature and writers in the history of the country.

Logistically, the Communist version of a coffee house is nearby, so we will have a brief stay at Ibolya Presszó, an antiquated version of how coffee houses were converted into cheap places with uncomfortable seating.

From here, we’ll continue our historical walk to the Hadik Café in Buda to have a feeling what partying in literary circles meant in the 1930s. You will be entertained by various anecdotes and jokes connected to the place.

Next, we will visit the New York Café, in itself an architectural wonder, and find out about its significance for locals. Unfortunately, the place fell victim to over-tourism, and we’d prefer to show you the place, and then you can visit it on your own later.

After seeing three iconic coffee houses and their Communist variant, we’d like to introduce you to the metamorphoses of these institutions we have witnessed in the past 30 years.

The “revolution” of innovative public spaces started with small enterprises, including intimate cafés like Massolit, but the real change was brought by the mushrooming of ruin pubs, spontaneous initiatives of young people to have a cultural place for socializing. We’ll visit three of these to illustrate how the best traditions of Hungarian traditional culture survive in a modern setting.

First, we’ll peep into the Massolit, a favourite working space for digital nomads that continues to have the most delicious flódni (a Hungarian-Jewish delicacy with poppyseed, walnut, and apple). Then we drop by at Rachel’s Patisserie, a typical private initiative.
We’ll end our tour at the Szimpla Kert ruin pub. You’ll be surprised that despite its name, it’s not a pub but rather a Bohemian and most creative community centre. Here we will wrap up all the experiences concerning the history of Hungarian urban lifestyle then and now.



Get acquainted with a special aspect of urban lifestyle in the past and present, lots of information you can’t find in travel guides or on Google

Enjoy the company of a knowledgeable and friendly local guide who is interested in listening to your experiences

Understand the significance of public places where real socialising can take place – our favourite is a sign at a ruin pub: NO WI-FI, TALK TO EACH OTHER

Get some inspiration on how to improve the quality of life in living in any city



Three drinks and a cake

A recommendation list of other alternative cafés worth visiting

An illustrated handout about Budapest’s Coffee House Culture


NOT included:

Any other drinks or food



Send us your booking enquiry. We’ll reply within 24 hours to make your reservation valid. We value your privacy and will keep your details safe and secure.

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